
About Leon Tao


學歷:MBA from NYU

  • 投資銀行 Bear Stearns的會計 (201)
  • 新設公司(但骨子裡是黑道洗錢公司)的會計 (201)
  • Former Forensic Accountant (207)

根據FBI網站,Forensic Accountant(有人翻成鑑識會計)在九零年代就曾經協助FBI偵辦負責財經案件,911之後更是大放異彩,協助偵破多起企業舞弊和內線交易案件。所以除了擔任圖書館小圈圈的後援之外,Leon其實也可以考慮進軍FBI啊!

FBI — Forensic Accountants Follow the Money: "conduct the financial investigative portion of complex cases across a wide variety of Bureau programs—investigating terrorists, spies, and criminals of all kinds who are involved in financial wrongdoing.  Through their work, forensic accountants contribute to the FBI’s intelligence cycle. They testify to their findings in court. And they keep up to date with FBI policies and procedures, federal rules of evidence, grand jury procedures, and national security protocols."

會計師 VS. 鑑識會計專家 - 會計研究月刊 - 商業企管 - udn聯合書報攤: "「鑑識會計專家」的專門業務,則分成兩大業務方向:一、訴訟支援(Litigation Support)和二、調查性審計(Investigative Audit)。前者在法庭上擔任專家證人角色,協助釐清系爭事實和責任,並協助作損值的評定。後者則在法庭外進行,通常應企業或機關組織委任進行舞弊調查,內部控制制度覆核,企業間商業詐騙調查,或各種購合併、商業交易、授權等的評值鑑定。"

