前一陣子引起世界譁然的PRISM事件之後,Jonathan Nolan接受了 HuffPos t Live的訪問(2013年6月11日放在官網上),由於 Person of Interest整齣都在演「老大哥正在看著你」的戲碼,理所當然地會受到關注,Jonah構思的陰謀論猶如鐵口神算般地跟現實太過相近,可能因此不幸地受到官方不必要的關切。
接受訪問和在 Reddit接受提問,這兩個宣傳活動的目的到底是要搭順風車做節目宣傳?還是要幫劇組擺脫嫌疑以示清白?CBS高層如果利益導向一點大概就會指派他們做前者,但個人覺得以POI寫手群和製作人們的立場,後者的可能性非常高(爆)看來有時候太準也挺麻煩的啊(感嘆
除此之外,他和製作人Greg Plegman在Reddit開了一個討論串讓大家問問題,備註欄上寫著:
「Hey this is Jonah and Greg, showrunners on Person of Interest, nerf weapon hoarders, and occasional dabblers in side projects, like batman movies. We're taking a break from gloating about our ability to predict our nation's descent into an Orwellian surveillance state in order to capitalize on it -- by getting you to watch. If enough of you tune in we can finish constructing a giant faraday cage for our writers and their families to ride out the technopocalypse. Ask us anything -- the NSA is really curious.」
Vraag hen om het even wat: http://t.co/T6HsBuANqj #poi #personofinterest pic.twitter.com/GHcS6hOHIk
— Bear the Dog (@BearDeHond) June 12, 2013
- 正在香港避難的 PRISM 爆料者:我並不期望自己還能回家
- Podcast of Interest 的FB很早就貼了這則報導,NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others | World news | The Guardian
- 前國安局長接受媒體的訪問。Bush-Era NSA Chief Defends PRISM, Phone Metadata Collection : The Two-Way : NPR: "Gen. Michael Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency, tells NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday that the government's acquisition of phone records and surveillance of Internet activity is lawful and justified by the changing nature of the war on terrorism."
- 接受爆料的華盛頓郵報的報導。Edward Snowden comes forward as source of NSA leaks - The Washington Post
雖然在PRISM事件後,Jonah和POI劇組的態度都很戰戰兢兢,但過了一段時間之後,就一副得了便宜開始賣乖的德性,詳情請參考WB整理的第三季第一集的實況推特,#toldja 標籤注目,當然這幾個字也有出現在SDCC 2013的宣傳房卡上,這是表示N局已經是釋懷且不太想理他們這群人的樣子嗎?(爆)
we'd like to take a moment to thank PRISM and the NSA for watching. #toldja
— POI Writers' Office (@POIWritersRoom) September 25, 2013
在這個事件爆發之後, 個人比較好奇的是到底這個事件對第三季或是未來的劇情走向是否會產生重大的影響?到底會維持原本設定的路線?還是會更積極地朝科幻路線邁進?或是激發出更有趣的點子?