

今天推特上有消息指出CBS將續約的影集名單,其中包含Person of Interest,阿根和寫手們也跳出來感謝觀眾支持。

續訂這本來是件理所當然的事情,但是又有消息指出第五季CBS只續訂了13集,甚至還舉了The Mentalist作為例子,據說是被續訂了13集之後就宣布該季為最終季,推測CBS該不會又想重施舊技。



之前喬納在接受訪問時,確實說過他們沒有打算要拍個兩百集,但是喬納在第四季季末播完後接受IGN訪問時有提到對第五季的展望,從製作人喬納的回答看起來應該還有不少故事想講,而且還表示因為時間不夠的關係,沒能完整表現出宅總內心的掙扎,關於這點我百分之兩百同意(衝去和喬納握手),懇請各位寫手不要再破壞宅總的形象了,連毒藥都當飲料喝下去了請不要偷韓劇的招好嗎可以讓我們回到第一季的宅總嗎?(超遠目)喬納在第三季The Devil's Share利用心理諮商和員工績效考核來製造一個擬似角色內心獨白的場面,來呈現各角色對某事件的心理狀態和立場的手法確實高明,但說實在的自從阿根進入精神病院之後劇中出現的心理醫生真的太多了連紐約警局都常駐了一位可以想個新招嗎,雖然喬納最近似乎忙著處理新的外務,但請對POI有始有終並秉持著負責倒底的精神,千萬不要對我們始亂終棄啊!POI現在的集數根本還沒破百啊!(不要再鬼叫了誰理你啊)


IGN: This show has always maintained a great balance between its "case of the week" premise and the larger serialized arcs. But now with no Machine to give out numbers, will that part of the show stop or will our heroes find a different way to help people in need? 
Nolan: I think this show has always been about the question "How do you do two things?" How do you fight, in this moment, an angry God? But at the same time, one of the things that's happened over the years -- first to Finch, then to Reese, Root, Shaw, and Fusco -- is that they've gotten hooked on the act of rescuing people in peril. Going in and helping in small ways to make the world a better place. The show never steps fully away from that. Obviously the ability of our heroes to do that will be impacted at the very beginning of next season as they try to figure out how to put themselves back in the running, but the Machine and all our heroes as of this point are all devoted to that concept of righting wrongs and getting in there and trying to make the world incrementally a better place. Whereas Samaritan wants to make the world a better place in one fell swoop. [laughs] In a much more aggressive, much more hands-on, much less cautious manner. So I don't think we ever step away from that aspect of our show. Which is New York City, 20 millions stories, and our heroes meeting those stories one at a time as the Machine guides them. We'll find our way back to it.
 IGN: Where was the Machine's head at -- if that's the right term to use -- when it felt like it might die at the end? It seemed very gracious and apologetic.
Nolan: Here's the thing with the Machine. Whether you like it or not, Finch's goal was an intelligence that has access to everything. An omniscient program. Not omnipotent, omniscient. It knows everything and it's hidden away trying to figure out what to do with all that knowledge. In the extended cut version of that scene you get more of a sense that it's fully aware that Finch had been struggling with the decision he made to create the Machine in the first place. And for any child, for any creature, it would be enormously challenging to realize that your creator has had second thoughts. And we've seen Finch struggling with this since the third season. And that came from the Machine's decision to get more aggressive, more engaged, more -- frankly -- Samaritan-like in an effort to survive. And defeat its rival. So you really plunge into these true ethical dilemmas that I think we are headed into in real life over the next twenty or so years in which you start being able to make a measurable impact in the world through planning and intervention and the data kind of struggles with that decision.
Nolan: The Machine never had the benefit of going to an ethics class. It probably taught itself ethics along the way and has struggled in making these very difficult decisions. It's now struggling with the reality that it may have made some mistakes long the way. I think it came back to this moment of fragility and said to Finch "Hey, you made me in the first f***in' place. If I've strayed too far from the mandate then there's no better judge of that then you. So maybe I shouldn't make it through this." And I think the moment we arrived at is one where Finch -- and I wish these episodes could be an hour long but they can't -- is very much struggling with "Yeah, I've had my doubts and yeah you may have lost your way a little bit, but you still deserve to exist." It's an argument he makes to Caleb, who made a cameo on this episode, back in "2πR" when he said that it was better to have existed than to not have existed. Right? And the world is definitely a better place with the Machine in it. And that's the resolution Finch comes to. Now what that's going to look like next season in terms of Finch having to make some difficult choices as to how he brings the Machine back into the world, that's a larger question. 

