"Person of Interest": Michael Emerson on future of Finch and the Machine - CBS News: "Emerson recalled shooting during a major snow storm in New York City's Madison Square Park earlier this year. "It was all outdoors -- all day. And the snow came earlier than what was expected. So by mid-day...we're all covered with snow -- they have to come with brushes and de-ice us between scenes," he said."
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CBS News在訪問前用推特號召大家提問題給ME,所以也提供了一段ME回覆推特問題的影片,感謝CBS News沒有擋海外IP!(喜極而泣)
Person of Interest EPs Talk ‘/’ Episode, Wild Road Trip and ‘Hot Mess’ Finale (Plus Exclusive Video) - TVLine: "CBS’ Person of Interest returns Tuesday at 10/9c with an episode titled “/” — as in “forward-slash,” programmer code for a root directory, or “root path.” So it should be no surprise that the hour offers “a lot more insight into Root’s shenanigans and what she has been up to since we last saw her,” executive producer Jonah Nolan tells TVLine."
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兩位製作人最近好常接受訪問,以前總是神秘兮兮地守口如瓶,不然就是放假消息跟飯諜對諜,現在卻開始據透不知道是怎麼回事,難道他們終於放棄要改行當特工或是國際間諜嗎?(爆笑)因為整篇幾乎都是據透,所以有興趣的請自行前往圍觀,該篇訪問有附上改了三次抬頭的317另一個搶先看,負責317寫手的David Slack應該是值得相信的人,萬一...我是說萬一發生什麼意外的話,譬如說316竄改時間軸之類